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RCCG- COVID-19 relief programme

The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG)  has once again given back to the society by donating 100 bags of rice and 50 bags of beans to be distributed to the poor as part of its COVID-19 relief programme.

The number of beneficiaries from this latest project stands at 4000 people.

The feeding project is another in the series of feeding projects carried out by the church in the last couple of years. Every December since 2018, the church feeds 50 million people, while operating the 22 daily feeding centres across Lagos that serve free meals.

Targeting those in need, especially as a result of the COVID-19 lockdown, the church distributed the items yesterday ( Saturday, April 11, 2020) at National Headquarters of RCCG Ebute Metta.

The church decided to extend a hand of love and help in the Easter season considering the hardship that is prevalent as a result of COVID-19.

Speaking on the donation at Ebute Metta,   Pastor Johnson Odesola, Assistant to the General Overseer, RCCG, Admin/Personnel, who also represented the  General Overseer at the event, said: “At a time like this when the essence of Easter is the greatest sacrifice ever, we know that love isn’t merely expressed through words but in acts.

“At RCCG, we are even more determined to relieve many of the hardship brought on by COVID-19 through our feeding projects in Nigeria and other countries.”

Recall that the church has been making immense contributions since the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown and even before then.

About two weeks ago, thousands of face masks, hand sanitizers and hand gloves were presented to the authorities at the Infectious Diseases Centre in Yaba. Soon afterwards, the General Overseer, Pastor Adeboye, gave N20 million to the Osun State Government to help fund the Osun State COVID-19 relief package.

The third state to benefit from these series of generous acts by the church was Ogun State, where medical equipment including ICU beds equipped with ventilators was received by the Deputy Governor for the State.

Over the years, Pastor Adeboye has encouraged members of the church to be active in nation-building and under his leadership, the church has contributed immensely to the nation through humanitarian acts.

Other countries of the world where the church is situated have also recorded much impact from the CSR activities of the Church.

National Overseer of RCCG and pastor in-charge of Overcomers Family, Region 2, Pastor Joseph Obayemi, said: “the church is following the scripture. Jesus Christ says when He’s hungry, you give Him food and we cannot see Jesus physically, everyone that is around us that needed our help are the people we have to show the love of Christ to, and our father in the Lord, Pastor E.A Adeboye has this as a policy of the mission that wherever we are located, we affect our communities spiritually, and we also affect them physically.

“The way we can affect people spiritually is to extend our love to them by meeting the need, as much as God has given us the resources and ability to do so.”

He added, “In any situation, we should first give glory to God Almighty, because we are locked down, but we are not knocked down. Some people are knocked-down, even where are there is on lockdown. So, we are grateful to God and in this season, we have to express the love of Christ that made him die for the sins of the whole world. That love, we are beneficiary today is what we are expressing to the generality of our community at this time.”


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