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 (alias Ehu, AFrican Orchid Nutmeg, Calabash Nutmeg)

Monodora myristica,which is popularly known as African Nutmeg Orchid Nutmeg is the spice behind the aromatic flavour and taste of some local delicacies like nkwobi, abacha, isi ewu , banga soup, etc. Ehu seeds whose botanical name is Monodora Myristica is a tropical plant of West African origin. Different tribes in Nigeria has different names for Ehu seeds. The Yoruba’s call it ariwo, Hausa’s call it, gujiya dan miya, the igbos call it Ehu, and Ehre by Urbobos.The African Orchid nutmeg other names include African nutmeg, Ehuru,Ghana seeds, Jamaican nutmeg, calabash nutmeg etc.

African nutmeg comes in a shell that is usually removed to get the seed. The seed is then ground and added to soups pepper soup or stew as spice. Ehu seeds produce stronger aroma and taste if they are roasted moderately before use. Due to the strong flavor of this spice, A little quantity is usually enough so that the flavour does not over power other flavours of your food.


African nutmeg is rich in potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium and vital B-complex vitamins, including vitamin C, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin A and many flavonoid anti-oxidants that are essential. African nutmeg contains essential oils which is responsible for its aroma and flavor.The aromatic fragrance of African Nutmeg seeds makes it suitable for using them in spicing assorted food types such as vegetables, confections, sausages, sauces, meats and puddings etc. The brown ehu seeds are encapsulated in aromatic pulp, the leaves can serve as manure when decayed while the tree can be cut and used as firewood or for carpentry works.



The last benefit that can be obtained from consuming nutmeg is the process of removing toxins from the body or detoxification. Actually, detoxification can be done in various ways such as drinking warm water, consuming vegetables and fruits, or by drinking lemon water. The detoxification process will be excreted through urine, feaces, and sweat.


African nutmeg seeds are a good solution for weight loss.

Just chew one raw seed a day for about 3 months and you will see a reduction in your stomach areas. Its best to take it on a work free day because of the number of times you might have to visit the restroom.


To boost your sex drive for both female and male make spicy herbal pepper soup with African Nutmeg and add as spice to your other recipes. Eat a meal made with African Nutmeg two hours before Sex.


Nutmeg fruit has almost the same benefits as ginger that can eliminate cold and flu. Because this fruit can warm the body and treat flatulence due to colds. In addition, this is also due to the essential oil content in the nutmeg. To eliminate the colds, nutmeg can be consumed in the form of beverages.


Insomnia is a sleep-related disease in health benefits of hibiscus tea. Insomnia not only causes the sufferer difficulty sleeping but also has poor sleep quality. If insomnia is not addressed properly, it will affect the quality of life and also the incidence of various diseases. To eliminate insomnia can be by consuming nutmeg. Namely by drinking water nutmeg stew before bed.


The seeds and leaves of African nutmeg (ehu seeds)can be decocted or infused, which is used for treating sores and wounds.The nutmeg also contains a chemical compound called menthol. the menthol can relieve pain in the body such as pain from injury, injury, or inflammation.


For those of you who are experiencing nausea and vomiting due to motion sickness or for other reasons, you can try to consume nutmeg. This fruit has antiemetic properties that can relieve nausea and also vomit.


The seeds are used in the treatment of digestive problems like constipation and diarrhea. They stimulate digestion and relieve stomach pain, cramps or disorder


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