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University of Hamburg data

The number of deaths in the world in the first two months of 2020

       2360 : Corona virus
      69602 : Common cold
      140 584 : Malaria
     153,696 : suicide
     193,479 : road accidents
     240,950 : HIV loss
     358,471 : alcohol
     716,498 : smoking
  1,177,141 : Cancer

 Then do you think Corona is dangerous? 

is the purpose of the media campaign to settle the trade war between China and America 
to reduce financial markets to prepare the stage of financial markets for mergers and acquisitions 
to sell US Treasury bonds to cover the fiscal deficit in them
Is it a Panic created by Pharma companies to sell their products like sanitizer, masks, medicine etc.

Do not Panic & don't forward Rumors.

I am posting this to balance your newsfeed from posts that caused fear and panic. 

82,000 People are sick with Coronavirus at the moment, of which 77,000 are in China. With a population of over 1.1 billion. This means that if you are not in or haven't recently visited China, this should eliminate 94% of your concern.

If you do contract Coronavirus, this still is not a cause for panic because:

81% of the Cases are MILD
14% of the Cases are MODERATE
Only 5% of the Cases are CRITICAL

Which means that even if you do get the virus, you are most likely to recover from it.

Some have said, “but this is worse than SARS!”. SARS had a fatality rate of 10% while COVID-19 has a fatality rate of 2%

Moreover, looking at the ages of those who are dying of this virus, the death rate for the people UNDER 50 years of age is only 0.2%

This means that: if you are under 50 years of age and don't live in China - you are more likely to win the lottery (which has a 1 in 45,000,000 chance)

Let’s take one of the worst days so far, the 10th of February, when 108 people in CHINA died of Coronavirus.

On the same day:

26,283 people died of Cancer
24,641 people died of Heart Disease
4,300 people died of Diabetes
Suicide took 28 times more lives than the virus did.

Mosquitoes kill 2,740 people every day, HUMANS kill 1,300 fellow humans every day, and Snakes kill 137 people every day. (Sharks kill 2 people a year)




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