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1. Drink Fresh Cabbage Juice

Cabbage is a great remedy for the treatment of ulcers in the stomach. Being a lactic acid food, cabbage helps in producing an amino acid that stimulates blood flow to the stomach lining. This aids in the healing process. cabbage is a good source of vitamin C, which is beneficial for fighting an H. pylori infection. Cabbage plant extract increased the pH value of gastric juice and as such could be used for healing an acute gastric ulcer.

Cut half of a head of cabbage into chunks, blend and drink everyday for 1 week.

2. Natural honey
Honey is very effective against H.pylori and inhibits the growth of the bacteria. Honey treats and protect against gastrointestinal infections, such as gastritis, duodenitis, and gastric ulceration caused by bacteria.

. Consume 2 tablespoons of raw honey daily, early in the morning, on an empty stomach.

. You may also add 1 tablespoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon to a glass of warm water and drink it twice daily.

3. Coconut Water/Milk/Oil
Coconut works well for people suffering from stomach ulcers because of its antibacterial qualities. It kills the bacteria that cause ulcers. Also, coconut water and coconut milk offer anti-ulcer properties. The ethanolic extract present in coconut offers a reliable and affordable adjunctive therapy for routine usage in people who take aspirin as well as for gastric ulcers induced by aspirin.

Virgin coconut oil has a potential connection to antioxidant properties in controlling the regulation of prostaglandin synthesis and protecting against reactive oxygen species damage. It considerably inhibited the ulceration caused by various inducers.

. Drink a few cups of fresh tender coconut water or coconut milk every day. Also, eat the kernel of the tender coconut. Follow this treatment for at least a week for desired results.

. Alternatively, take a tablespoon of coconut oil in the morning and another at night for about one week. Coconut oil can be easily digested since it is mainly composed of medium-chain fatty acids.

Garlic is another food with antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

Garlic extract speed up recovery from ulcer and reduces them from developing .

. Eat two cloves of garlic every day for three days to reduce bacterial activity in stomach lining of patients suffering from Ulcer.

Most ulcers caused by H. pylori are completely treatable. But untreated stomach ulcers can lead to more serious problems, like internal bleeding and stomach cancer .


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