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it is so fascinating to know that plantain can equally be called “Cooking Bananas“. As sweet as it sounds it’s a staple food, and it is very rich in nutrients. Ripe plantain which is yellow in appearance can be eaten raw or boiled, fried and roasted but Unripe plantain (green plantain) must be prepared, it definitely cannot be eaten raw.
On the scale of 100% in population, 70% loves ripe plantain in their diet and detests unripe plantain. But guess what, Unripe plantain is more nutritrious, loaded with essential minerals and vitamins such as potassium, magnesium, vitamin B complex, fiber, iron, manganese.

The health benefits of Unripe Plantain:

*It can prevention Ulcer

Unripe plantain contains an element known as leucocyanidin a phytochemical which is known for prevention of ulcer. It is regarded as an antiulcer remedy, because of its properties in promoting and increasing the secretion of mucus in the stomach.

*Treatment for Anaemia and Neuritis

Anaemia is the lack of red blood cells or dysfunctional red blood cells in the body, that eventually leads to reduced oxygen flow to the body’s organs, which usually results in weakness.

Neuritis on the other hand is a condition that causes an inflammation of the nerves.Unripe Plantain contains high amount of Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), which is very effective in the fight against and prevention of Anaemia and Neuritis and decrease homocystine (one of the causative factors for coronary artery disease (CHD) and stroke episodes) levels in the body.

This conditions can be treated and prevented with a regular consumption of unripe plantain.

* It ensures a Healthy Heart

Unripe plantain contains fibers that helps to improve the flow of blood from the heart to other organs. Unripe plantain also contains serotonin (a compound present in blood platelets and serum, which constricts the blood vessels) which helps to improve the heart and dilate it for better blood flow and also helps to prevent heart related diseases such as Stroke, high blood pressure, and hypertension.

*Treatment and Prevention of Diabetes

Unripe plantain contains Psyllium which helps to control blood sugar, resulting in a low sugar. It is a suitable diet for diabetic patients, since their high blood sugar level won’t be triggered or worsen.

5. It strengthens Bones

Unripe plantain is without doubt rich in calcium. It helps to build a stronger bones,muscle, teeth and nails. It prevents osteoporosis (weakening of the bones).

6. It enhances Weight Loss

Unripe plantain is low in carbohydrates, but rich in high fiber content, essential vitamins and minerals. When consumed regularly, it will be of great help in weight maintenance.

7. It facilitates fast Digestion.

Unripe plantain contains a high amount of dietary fiber which makes it good for consumption as it ensures a healthy bowel and also prevent constipation, bloating and other related health condition associated with improper digestion. And of course, it also reduce appetite by increasing fullness.

8. It is Rich in Potassium

Potassium is a vital component of cell and body fluids that helps in controlling the heart rate and blood pressure. Unripe plantain contains potassium, which makes it heart friendly and enhances the prevention of heart attack and hypertension.

9. It is a Rich source of Vitamin A, B and C

Unripe plantain contains a high amount of Vitamin A, B and C.This vitamins improves vision, hence the fear of cataract or glaucoma is reduced, nourishes our skin and prevents us from free radicals.Vitamin B6 help greatly in relieving menstrual pain. Furthermore, vitamin A which is antioxidant that helps our immune system to function properly. It has a great role in enhancing the growth of the cell.

10. Unripe plantain also improves fertility, reduces cholesterol due to its high amount of fiber. It also contains Folates,(which are essential for healthy pregnancy), niacin, riboflavin and thiamin.


Unripe plantain is indeed beneficial to our health.It is generally embedded with vitamins, essential minerals


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