May 2020 Holy Ghost Service, May 1, 2020
Theme: Let there be Light part 5
Ministering: Pastor E.A Adeboye
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Jehovah the man of war
His mercy endureth forever and ever
Oh praise His Holy name.
Topic: Let there be Light part 5
Next month, the theme will be Let there be light part 6
Text: James 1:17
The light that comes directly from God is pure white light, no shadow or shape of any type. Acts 22:6, 9:1-7. The light is brighter than the noon day light. The crucial thing about the light that comes from God is the purity.
When you say let there be light, you are actually saying let there be purity.
Let there be light can means several things; when God says Let there be Light, it could mean;
1. God please give me pure healing. Healing total, healing complete, healing comprehensive, healing with no sign that I was suck before. Mark 8:22-25. Pure healing means healing with nothing left to show that I was sick before, John 9:1-7.
Pure healing could require a second touch from God, it could require a recreation, Romans 4:19, John 11:39-45, 2 Kings 5:1-14. Pure healing is the healing that would not leave a scare behind.
2. God give me pure life, vigorous life, life full of vitality, vigour. Light has a lot to do with healthy life. Deut 34:7, Genesis 25:1, Genesis 24:1-end, Joshua 14:6-13, Deut.33:25.
I want to encourage you, Stop managing to live, demand vigour from the Almighty God the source of life, pray that the Almighty God will renew your strength, John 10;10. From today onward cry to Gos that you don't want to manage life anymore, I need vigorous life, life full of vitality.
3. Give me pure wealth. There is a link between light and wealth. All the great treasures are all hidden inside the ground, Isaiah 45:3. Treasures are in the dark, for you to get them you need light. Give me pure wealth is the kind of wealth where you begin to say glory be to God, I have sufficient, 2 Kings 4:8-17, 4:1-7, Genesis 33:1-9, Genesis 26:12-14 (the prosperity of Isaac).
4. God give me pure Joy. There is a link between Joy and light. Esther 8:15-16, Psalm 30:5 (Weeping is associated with darkness and Joy is associated with morning)
Joy is in categories;
- Joy,
- Great Joy, 1 Chronicle 29:9
- Exceedingly great Joy, Mathew 2:1-11, - Joy unspeakable, 1 Peter 1:3-8, Joy full of glory
Prophesy, My daddy says During the darkness of the lockdown, your star will begin to rise. Amen
5. God give me pure peace. There a link between light and peace Isaiah 45:7
Categories of peace
- Peace
- Great peace, Psalm 119:165
- All round peace, 1 Kings 4:24
- Peace like a river, Isaiah 48:18
- Purest peace, Peace that pass all understanding, Philippians 4:7
6. Pure success, another word for pure success is Excellence. Excellence means 100%. There is a link between light and Excellence. Daniel 5:13-14
(Light, Understanding, Excellence)
Daniel 6:1-3, 1 Kings 4:30, Psalm 8:9, Philippians 2:9-11 (Excellence means, To be above all), Daniel 1:3-21, Daniel 2:16-23.
When God shines His light upon you, you will begin to excel
Prophesy: Daddy says that I should tell someone that every day begins with the evening, in the evening of this lockdown, your day will start.
Prophesy, The Lord said there is someone listening whose under and thirst is healing, Daddy ask me tell you, your wish has been granted.
The beauty of purity
Pure light is white is colour. White light breaks into 7 colours namely;
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
Each colour stands for something significant.
The implication is all colours are the same when there is no light. It is only when light comes up you begin to see the colours. It means it takes light to bring out beauty. You know what, there is beauty in you. Every person has beauty in him or her, 2 Corinthians 4:7. Until light shines on you, your beauty is hidden.
Take David for example, 1 Samuel 16:11-end (David beauty came out)
Esther; Esther 2:8-17 (Esther was a beautiful slave, light shows on Esther when there was crisis in the town and she became a beautiful queen)
Joseph; Genesis 41:1-44, Genesis 39:1-6 Genesis 39:20-23 (Excel even in the prison), Joseph was brought out of the prison when there was crisis and Joseph became a prime minister.
When God says let there be light, it could mean, Lord expose my beauty.
Prophesy, Use this period to draw closer to me and I will soon show you how to be unstoppable.
Mathew 5:8, Psalm 24:3-4. All this beautiful things that comes from the purity of light is only for those that are pure in heart. You can be part of the pure in heart when you go to Him to cleanse you of all sins. Cry to Him today, go on your knees and cry to Him to wash you clean with His precious blood.
Prayer points
1. Thank the Almighty God the one who give all good gifts, the one who kept you alive today.
2. Father, please make me purely whole not just heal but purely whole body, soul and spirit.
3. Father, please give me pure life, healthy, strong, vigorous, the older I grow, the stronger let me become.
4. Father, please give me pure wealth never to borrow again, let me always have more than sufficient. Give me pure wealth.
5. Father, please give me pure Joy, Joy unspeakable and full of glory
6. Father, please give me pure peace, the all kind of peace that passes all understanding
7. Father, please give me pure success, let me excellent from now in all that I do
8. Father, please shine your light on me and expose my beauty to the world
9. Father, out of your abundant mercy, out an end to this plague (corona virus) speedily.
10. Your own personal request. Pray for your neighbours, your children big/small, prayer for your in-laws, prayer for your co-workers, prayers for all those in authority and prayer for your pastors and please pray for Daddy G.O too
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